Important Announcement - Microsoft Partner Attestation of Self-Dealing (MPA-SD) mandatory from February 23, 2022

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What’s happening?
From February 23, 2022, Microsoft will mandate the Microsoft Partner Attestation of Self Dealing (MPA-SD) for both direct and indirect partners. MPA-SD is an attestation process that enforces transacting partners to attest that they are not reselling purchased products to other partners that are affiliated with the parent organization. For example, if a partner has a multi-country footprint in an authorized region, a local partner in one country (i.e. Germany) is not seeking another local partner in another country (i.e. France) that has the same Beneficial Owner.
Microsoft will require partners to attest on all-new Sales Orders that the product being provisioned is not for Referral, Affiliate, Self-Consumption, Internal Use, Test, or Demo purposes. Microsoft Compliance will use this in all future Partner Compliance Audits.

What does this look like?
This is the statement that Microsoft will require Partners to Attest to:
 Partner Attestation

When do you need to attest?
Both Direct and Indirect partners sign the attestation to complete the ordering process in the following stages.

  • Create a new Sales Order
  • Create a cart with a Customer Order
  • Update a cart

The attestation will not be required for upgrades/downgrades and upsizes/downsizes.
From February 23, 2022, completing the attestation will be mandatory for all new Sales Orders. Otherwise, the order will not be provisioned. This is for all CSP as well as NCE subscriptions. This will change affects all the three Microsoft clouds.


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